If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you; I came to live out loud.

~ Emile Zola

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Darlene Pineda

via Facebook... So eight. Eight things about me you probably would be surprised to know, or don't know. Not sure which. 1. When Steve used to travel in the Cost Guard, and later for his job, I couldn't erase any voice messages he left until he was physically back in my arms. 2. I will re-read Little Women, A Little Princess, and Anne of Green Gables at least once a year. And if I ever had a daughter her name was going to be Sarah Anne, from the last two. And I knew that name, and started the reading, when I was about eight. 3. Year-to-date I have read about 83 books. It's been a slow year, I'm usually in the 130s. 4. I performed at the New York School of Performing arts. Tap and ballet. I was four, and that is where my dance school did the recital. I wonder if I can put that on a resume? 5. In London, while in Speaker's Corner, I got up on a box and gave a talk about the benefits of oral sex, specifically that the guys needed to do more of it. I had several kind gentleman offer to give it a go, if I would help them out. I hadn't even checked into my hotel yet! 6. My animals are in my will, along with money to help rehome, train, pay for medical costs and food, transportation. 7. I went to college as a biology major, on a full scholarship from the debate team. I discovered parties and finished my first semester with a 1.875. I, with great trepidation, told my father. He sighed and said I learned more from my time in dorms and away from home than my grade could show. And that this was a bump, and bumps were for showing down, evaluating, and then moving forward. Not a single recrimination. That was the moment my dad became a person. And some who had all the love and respect I could give. 8. Nuts on brownies are a desecration.

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