If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you; I came to live out loud.

~ Emile Zola

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Darlene Pineda

via Facebook... Via Baratunde R. Thurston: "Here we go again. A bunch of people with extra time on their hands are turning on Trevor Noah as quickly as they praised his selection as Daily Show host. Why? Because based on a few tweets, they say he's sexist, anti-semetic, and more. I'm getting sick of the internet lynch mob, regardless of the politics of the mob's members. I can tell you, personally, and vouch: Trevor Noah is an incredible human being. He's hilarious. He's smart. He's been through more than most can imagine. All the people throwing him under the bus right now need to check themselves. There is no perfection in the human species. There is no ideological line any person can walk that will withstand the scrutiny of people looking for transgressions. If we continue to hold human beings to impossibly inhuman standards, we will just be left in a lonely world with our self-righteousness and no nice things. *I* have made remarks I'm sure would be called sexist, racist, ableist, and more. Does that mean at core I'm a bad person? That I should lose my job? If I went through every statement you ever made... If I went through your garbage, and your notebook scraps... If I overheard every utterance... I would find something ugly. I would find your racism. I would find your sexism. I would find your lack of neurodiversity sensitivity. And I would find that you probably killed Biggie. And then what? Do I tell your spouse to leave you? You friends to abandon you? Your landlord to evict you? And you employer to drop you? Because you're not perfect? And because I conclude from a few scraps mined from the totality of your life, who you are as a person? You know where else we behave this ugly? Our criminal justice system. We are willing to physically throw certain human beings away because of a single transgression. We assume they cannot grow or learn or improve or be more than that one act. And for people of color in general, or ANY marginalized group to jump on the anti-Trevor bandwagon is rich, rich irony. Have we not suffered enough under the microscopic glare and outsized standards of the majority? Was it not the poll tax standards of perfect memorization of the Constitution that was used disenfranchise so many? Did we not have to get straight As to not be considered merely affirmative action admissions at universities? If we were not perfect, we were dead. Why continue that legacy today? I've been a part of internet attack mobs before. I am not perfect in my actions, nor in my response, but I'm tired now. We have to stop this rapid reaction force of snap judgement. We have all said and done things that truly are or can be construed as wrong, inappropriate, and the like. And none of us. NONE OF US could withstand the scrutiny and judgment we're applying to this brilliant, imperfect, beautiful, flawed, hilarious, nuanced, talented human being named Trevor Noah. I repeat my call to watch the documentary about his life by David Paul Meyer. http://ift.tt/1h5aXYt It will paint a more relevant picture than a few damn tweets. Otherwise just stop it. P.S. if you really think this is about "who deserves to host the daily show," check your ego. You're not in charge. You're not the selection committee. You don't own the show. You're not responsible for pulling it off every day. You probably have no idea what it would take, and you'd fail in the first five minutes probably after urinating yourself cause you couldn't find the bathroom."

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