If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you; I came to live out loud.

~ Emile Zola

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Darlene Pineda

via Facebook... I've been tagged to say three positive things for the next three days. I generally hate these things, but positive is good, so I'll do it. But I'm not tagging anyone, y'll can decide if you want to play yourselves :D 1. I am thankful that I have medical insurance to see the doctor to get my hip fixed. And that I have doctors who listen to me, who take me seriously, who work with me. 2. I am thrilled to pieces that I have a teenager who is not only snarky and sarcastic but also kind and generous and loving . Who will drive me to the doctor's office and get my prescriptions filled and run to fetch dinner and pick up groceries and help me drive to another state to rehome a dog and is clever and funny and responsible and quirky and everything wonderful. But don't tell him I said so, he'll get all embarrassed. 3. I am lucky beyond belief to have the luxury of a washing machine and dryer, to do my laundry in my own home, to fold it in front of the TV (with extra help from the dogs, who were concerned that all the dog hair had been removed from said laundry), and to have space to put those clothes away. Let alone the privilege of having new clothes that need washing. I remember times when I had none of those things, and I'm grateful beyond measure for having them now.

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