If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you; I came to live out loud.

~ Emile Zola

Monday, February 2, 2015

Darlene Pineda

via Facebook... Migraine, day two. Chopping part of my skull off seems like a stellar idea at this point. There is a sharp pointy thing going up through the roof of my mouth, into my eye, and out my temple. And it's electrified and randomly tases me. There is also a brick jammed into the back of my skull. And my hearing is turned waaaaaay up so a dog barking is like an ice pick in my ear. I have three dogs. And then there are the phantom smells. Now is the fun part: I get imitrex to help stop them. I get 9 a month. I take one, and if it's not working I take another 2 hours later. Pain relief is a last resort because of rebound headaches. I'm not even supposed to take a Tylenol. Because fuck my doctor. So I picked up my scrip January 22. I've used 4 tablets. Including one yesterday when this started. So it becomes a game of "how bad is it" because if it didn't work yesterday when it was starting it's not going to work now that it's in full swing, so why waste it, right? So I got nothing. I could go to the ER and wait, since this is not an emergency emergency, possibly for hours, for a shot that may or may not help and hopefully some pain relief which could be wonderful but might trigger a rebound headache that sends me back in a few days. Plus ER waiting rooms are not as cozy as my bed, I can't bring my dogs, are really bright and noisy, and so why bother? And when it finally passes I get a good 24 hours of migraine hangover. Fatigued like I just ran an ultra marathon. So tired that brushing my teeth is too much effort. I'm telling you this because I have friends with migraines and I know it's hard for those around them to understand how a headache can put them down for days. Believe me, it's not fun. I can't even eat bon bons because of the nausea. You know how bad it is? I CAN'T READ. Can't concentrate enough. That's serious. So take your friend's migraines serious. Bring then soup and for the love of god don't knock on the door. Understand that people in pain can be grumpy and tired and able to hide the pain really well but functioning takes everything they have. In going to put a fresh ice pack on my head now...

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