If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you; I came to live out loud.

~ Emile Zola

Monday, April 13, 2015

Darlene Pineda

via Facebook... Look, I'm not a fan of Hillary Clinton. She isn't progressive enough for me and she's way to hawkish and her position on Palestine turns my stomach. So far I have no idea what her presidential positions will be at all. But I don't like dynastic rule. I don't want to vote for her. I don't really care about SCOTUS appointees. A liberal house and senate can do more work and get more done anyway, AND block the damage a conservative POTUS might try. Here's the thing: I get how important SCOTUS is. But we kill people. Millions of people. And I cannot vote for anyone, ANYONE, who is going to keep doing that. I'm not going to vote for anyone, ANYONE, who supports Israel's genocide of Palestine. There aren't many issues that trump genocide. Full stop. Their blood will not be on my hands. And I am really fucking tired of being told implicitly or explicitly that i *have* to vote for Hillary no matter what because REASONS. Mostly boiling down to the GOP is so dangerous we can't let them have power. But you know what, I can walk the fuck away. I can insist we dismantle this farce. And I can certainly not just vote for someone because they will kill fewer people or do less damage locally. That is not a good enough argument, that Hillary is just the lesser of two evils and have some obligation to vote for her otherwise I'm betraying minorities and liberals and... No. Bull with that shite. Bloody fucking bollocks. No one tells me what I *have* to do. I do the fuck what I want to do. And that includes vote. And I am sick and tired of Democrats half-fucking-assing their way into office.

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