If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you; I came to live out loud.

~ Emile Zola

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Darlene Pineda

via Facebook... Today is the day of Pissing Off Darlene By Being SO BLOODY STUPID That I'm Face-Palming The Back Of My Skull. 1. MRA trying to convince me--you'll love this--that NOT ALL MRAs. Really. 2. Man repeatedly asking, on post detailing how men don't need to take space in feminist spaces, but instead use the privileged spaces they occupy, if I could explain more about that to him because he really needs to understand better in order to actually be a feminist. Also, he took a college course. 3. Woman calling me darling after explaining how sexy shoes lead to being raped... and 4. woman wanting to criminalize certain types of birth to "protect teh babies" even though it's been shown that doing so only discourages women from seeking medical care. Then blocking me when I pointed out that controlling women's bodies is no cause for celebration. Seriously, am I being set up here? On any given day ONE of these would be enough. All four? The interwebz is trying to kill me...

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