If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you; I came to live out loud.

~ Emile Zola

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Slut Walk

So, there was this posting on Facebook about SlutWalk and someone (a woman) said, in the comments, this: "If you want to parade around in lingerie, that's your prerogative, but to me it seems a little counterproductive.

While rape isn't avoidable in every situation, I think it would do wonders if we all self-assessed the way we dress and act, and ask ourselves what kind of impression we're giving off to the world."

So, after I patched back together my exploded head, I said this:

No! If I walk around naked, that is NOT AN EXCUSE FOR RAPE. I can be a prostitute and THAT IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR RAPE. I can be drunk and passed out in my underwear and that IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR RAPE. People get raped in their cars, by their husbands, by boyfriends and friends and relatives and in their homes and dorm rooms and offices and classroom...what 'common sense' can tell me that locking myself in a room and letting no one in is the safest thing to do? Because we ARE ALWAYS VULNERABLE TO RAPE. Always. Everywhere. Should I avoid the subway to avoid the inevitable gropings and rubbings? Never go on a date? Never wear anything that makes me attractive? No makeup? Wear a paper bag? Never be in the same room with a man or men?

The only thing that causes rape is BEING IN THE VICINITY OF A RAPIST. Period. Anyone who is suggesting anything else is using a form of rape-apology. Anyone who says "oh, it's the rapist fault, BUT..." is using a form of rape apology.

The impression I give to the world HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING RAPED. Grandmothers and nuns and children get raped, so can we all agree to drop the pretense that some people are somehow 'at fault' for being raped and move on to the startling fact that rapists cause rape, and stop the victim blaming-and-shaming.

Yup, Slut Walk is needed, because even women buy into the myth that what I wear contributes to being raped. That not dressing like a slut is some kind of magical protection.

And then someone said this:
"While children, nuns, etc. DO get raped, I think it's fairly logical/reasonable to say that the ratio of skantily-clad drunk women in clubs who get raped is much higher than their nun/child counterparts, because they're engaging in risky behavior."

And my head, again, exploded.

And I ranted more, but this says it better:

The end.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

(I hope the images are okay to post, I found them doing searches, but if they aren't please let me know and I'll take them down)

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