If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you; I came to live out loud.

~ Emile Zola

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Things that make you say...

Hmm? Is self esteem over rated? (Hint: yes!)

"The modest correlations between self-esteem and school performance do not indicate that high self-esteem leads to good performance. Instead, high self-esteem is partly the result of good school performance. Efforts to boost the self-esteem of pupils have not been shown to improve academic performance and may sometimes be counterproductive."

::YAWN:: Why am I so tired in the mornings?

Since I've had insomnia issues, this one made sense to me, especially this bit:

"7. You get a full night’s sleep but feel groggy all the time or get sleepy while driving.

What it’s a symptom of: This signals circadian rhythm problems or, more simply, getting out of sync with night and day. Irregular sleep patterns, staying up late under bright lights, working a shift schedule, using computers and other devices in bed, and having too much light in the room while you sleep can disrupt your body’s natural sleep-wake cycle."

So staying up late to write blog posts? Not such a great idea, actually...

WTF?! Because housing teen girls with sex offenders makes perfect sense in Kansas...


Aww, I want more arms!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Who needs a normal circadian rhythm? It's overrated. *Yawn*

  2. I think the self-esteem/academic performance thing is a great example of people conflating causation and correlation.

    I'm so excited to have found your blog through G+!

  3. Thank you! I'm glad you found it, too :)

    And, yes, causation is not correlation. Otherwise we'd think umbrellas caused rain!
