If you ask me what I came into this world to do, I will tell you; I came to live out loud.

~ Emile Zola

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Darlene Pineda

via Facebook... Yeah, I like this one better. "That girl you called a slut in class today. She enjoys sex and has slept with a few people. And that's none of your business. The pregnant girl walking down the street. She had unprotected sex with her boyfriend and got knocked up. And that's none of your business. The boy you called lame. He spends most nights in his room playing video games. And that's none of your goddamn business. That girl you pushed down the other day - wait, what? You go around pushing people down? What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you some kind of savage? Jesus. Anyway, that girl you called fat - she eats whatever the hell she wants to, because it's her body and that's none. Of. Your. Business. The old man you made fun of cause of his ugly scars. Okay. I just - were you raised by wolves? Particularly ill-mannered wolves? Who were also assholes? I don't care if the old man got the scars in WW2 or Korea or from that time his meth pipe blew up in his face. You don't go around making fun of people. This is basic stuff that you learn in kindergarten. You think you know them . Guess what? It doesn't matter if you do or don't. You treat people the way that you would like to be treated. It's not about whether or not someone is going to jump off of a bridge because of your hateful, pricktastic comments, it's that making hateful, pricktastic comments makes you a hateful prick. And if you can't manage to function in society without going around being hateful prick to people, maybe you should go back to the rude asshole wolves who raised you. Sound fair?"

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